Connecting with each other
We like to connect with the outside world so that we know what is going on outside our sector. By doing so, we make both other organisations and ourselves stronger and we can make the world a little more beautiful.
Our goals
To create real impact, we have set three goals for ourselves that are linked to why we think it is important to connect with the world.
Impact on the world
Connecting with what is going on in the world is important. We do this not because we should, but because we really want to. By spreading our knowledge about software development, disciplined work and feedback, we help those who want to learn more about it. Moreover, we also learn from other organisations.
Strengthening connections
We believe the world becomes just that little bit nicer when people understand each other well. Connecting and collaborating fosters a better understanding of the world and each other.
Efficient time use
Each internship assignment has a link to a social sector project. Even when things are quieter for our "Kunlaborants", they work on projects with a social impact.
Why choose social
By focusing on projects with a social impact, we get to know the companies in the sector better and test new technologies. We exchange knowledge and experience on both sides to ensure even better services.
Some initiatives
Mezuri app for community work "'t Lampeke"
We developed a modern and user-friendly tool to measure and visualise the impact of social work.
Socrates is an acronym for "Software Crafting and Testing", an international community where colleagues from the software industry come together to learn from each other.
Talents are exchanged to get an inside view of each other's companies. Each company's culture and approach inspires others and creates innovation within other companies.