Digipolis Antwerp – OOR 3.0


Digipolis is the dedicated IT partner of the City of Antwerp. Together,they continually strive to deliver the most effective digital services, ensuring that everyone can navigate and access them with ease.

City Antwerp - Digipolis
Public services

Development of a digital tool for participatory urban policy


The City of Antwerp and Digipolis sought a digital tool to enhance citizen involvement in urban development.

Their objectives were to:

  • Keep citizens informed: Create a digital tool to provide updates on city projects and developments.
  • Boost citizen participation: Encourage residents to share their opinions on projects at various stages of development.
  • Collect and analyze data: Gather feedback through the tool and analyze it to generate valuable insights for city planning.

The primary goal of this input was to aid policymakers and stakeholders in making informed decisions, allowing for adjustments to plans based on community feedback.

Kunlabora delivered a dual digital solution


At Kunlabora, we are passionate about projects with social impact. We were thrilled to contribute to the development of a customized digital tool.


We provided two digital solutions:

  • Mobile website development: We created an intuitive and user-friendly mobile website where citizens can easily access information about ongoing and completed projects and share their feedback.
  • Web application development: We designed an interactive web application with a dynamic dashboard, enabling city employees to efficiently consult, organize, analyze, and visualize survey data.

What are your organization's digital needs?


We take pride in the impactful tool we created to enhance citizen participation in urban development projects. Custom software development is where our experts truly excel.


If your organization needs a new digital tool or wants to optimize the user experience of an existing one, we’re here to help. Let us know how we can assist you.

Contact our experts

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