Team as a service

A dedicated Kunlabora team will be embedded at your company. Our team helps build the desired software while inspiring internal colleagues through knowledge sharing, among other things.

Werknemers van Kunlabora op kantoorWerknemers van Kunlabora op kantoor

Why choose Team as a Service?

The experienced and motivated Kunlabora team develops customised software autonomously. Because we are so in tune with each other and have a wide range of knowledge, we get productive quickly. So your own team is strengthened in a smooth and fast way.

Besides software development, we always provide a lot of knowledge sharing. We do this through interactive sessions such as reading groups, open spaces and knowledge-sharing meetings where knowledge is transferred between the different teams.

What are the benefits?

Strengthening and supporting your own team
Autonomous operation of the Kunlabora team
Knowledge sharing

After the development process is completed, we can continue to support you through our Care service. To ensure that your software solution lasts as long as possible, you need to take good care of it. After a while, minor bugs and functional changes will occur, as will new security threats. With our Care service, we keep your application in top condition and extend its lifespan.

Convinced of our services?

Get in touch and together, we will work out a solution for you.